Great News for Connecticut Seniors: New Law Strengthens Home Care!

Author: Heavens Hands Home Care |

Great News for Connecticut Seniors: New Law Strengthens Home Care!

At Heaven's Hands Home Care, we've always been dedicated to providing the highest quality, compassionate care to Connecticut's seniors. That's why we're thrilled about the new state law, CT HB05001, An Act Supporting Connecticut Seniors and the Improvement of Nursing and Home-Based Care.

This law, passed last week on a bipartisan basis, brings some exciting changes, especially the creation of a mandatory caregiver registry. This registry will ensure that all caregivers in the state go through a background check, giving families even greater peace of mind.

At Heaven's Hands, we understand the importance of trust. We've always conducted thorough background checks on every caregiver before they join our team. This new law strengthens those efforts and applies them to the entire home care industry in Connecticut. It means seniors can feel even more confident knowing that qualified and trustworthy caregivers are entering their homes.

But the benefits go beyond safety. A standardized registry will also help agencies like Heaven's Hands better understand the qualifications and experience of caregivers across the state. This allows us to create a more connected network of professionals, ensuring seniors are matched with caregivers who have the specific skills and experience to meet their unique needs.

This is a win-win for everyone. Seniors receive better care, families have greater peace of mind, and home care agencies can provide a more personalized service. We at Heaven's Hands fully support this important step forward in Connecticut home care, and we look forward to continuing to deliver the exceptional care our seniors deserve.

Have questions about the new law or how Heaven's Hands can help your loved one? Contact us today!

